Excerpt: Relationships and Sex
Married Relationship Relationships, in the form of marriage or cohabitation, become prevalent now. Relationships have a powerful effect on our sexuality. If, for example, we're in a close, respectful, loving relationship, we'll feel and act very differently than if we're in an abusive relationship. Men and women most times enter adulthood with some real misconceptions about sexuality and the role of sex in a relationship. Young men often fear that anything that borders on sensitivity will be interpreted as being somehow ‘unmanly’ and thus represent inappropriate behaviour for a ‘real’ man. Women believe that the only part of intimacy that matters to men is the sexual intercourse part. Apostle Paul does not give a low view of marriage, but is merely answering questions put to him about life in Corinth; He informs them 1Corinthians 7:2 ‘I speak this by permission, not of command, Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and...