
Showing posts from November, 2016

Excerpt: Relationships and Sex

Married Relationship Relationships, in the form of marriage or cohabitation, become prevalent now. Relationships have a powerful effect on our sexuality. If, for example, we're in a close, respectful, loving relationship, we'll feel and act very differently than if we're in an abusive relationship. Men and women most times enter adulthood with some real misconceptions about sexuality and the role of sex in a relationship. Young men often fear that anything that borders on sensitivity will be interpreted as being somehow ‘unmanly’ and thus represent inappropriate behaviour for a ‘real’ man. Women believe that the only part of intimacy that matters to men is the sexual intercourse part. Apostle Paul does not give a low view of marriage, but is merely answering questions put to him about life in Corinth; He informs them 1Corinthians 7:2 ‘I speak this by permission, not of command, Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and...

Excerpt: Relationships and Sex

Compatibility in Relationship This is another issue of great consideration. Marriage institutions, Men of God, parents and people in general have a misconception on what and who is compatible for marriage. During counseling sections on marriage relationship, people are advised on compatibility, that the other person involved must be compatible, i.e. must share the same goal, idea, religion, health status, tribe, language, culture, background, behaviour etc. I will not encourage marriage relationship with any one that is not a Christian [born-again], I am relating to Christians and such relationship with unbeliever is not binding. As Christians, we have so many doctrines on how to start a relationship; some are borne out of conviction and others out of tradition of our Church founders?  Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ”. I have been to s...

Excerpt:Relationships and Sex

 Having a great relationship isn’t a matter of finding the right partner; it’s a matter of being the right partner. If you are in a relationship or looking for a relationship, you can start by becoming a good partner, working on things that are within your power to change. Consider the likely things you’d like to work on to become a good partner. You need to grow to know God’s mind about dating You need to develop better self esteem You need to clarify your own values You need to develop a more positive body image You need to develop positive personality You need to clarify how you feel about gender roles  You need to develop effective communication skills You need to start thinking about the options you want to explore in the relationship. We learn about how to be in relationships by watching others close to us and by experimenting in our own relationships. We can improve our relationship skills by actively working on them. Books can help, and...

Excerpt:Relationships and Sex

A teenager is a young person whose age falls within the range of 13-19, they are called teenagers because their age number ends with teen. The teenage can be described as a transitional age from childhood to adulthood. It is a period when human developmental changes occur psychologically and physically. It can be both disorientation and discovery period when the teen clamours for independence and self-identity. Many teens face tough choices regarding sexuality, school and work, drugs, alcohol and social life. Peer groups, romantic interests and external appearances tend to naturally increase. The physical, biological and psychological changes they experience allow them to think more abstractly. They become interestingly focused on friends and also seek greater independence. They often come into conflicts with their parents, they get through teen age with few problems like, establishing an identity and preparing for adulthood.   Teenagers spend a good deal of time not only on devel...