
Showing posts from 2016

Excerpt : Relationships and Sex

Sex is the most intimate and tender physical expression of emotional love that can be achieved by a man and woman in marriage relationship. Our continued existence is dependent on it. It is good, the pleasure and the fun is in the arena of the marriage. Copulation ranges from purely reproduction to emotional bonding. It plays a strong role in the marriage relationship, and it is a way to share pleasure and strengthening emotional bond to help interaction between couples.    It is one night of stolen pleasure worth a lifetime of wonders or regret.  Do you want to miss the true joy of sex by throwing it away on someone who is using you to satisfy his or her selfish desire? Many people have made decisions about sex that they have regretted for the rest of their lives. God is giving us opportunity to save ourselves from all pains. Will you make up your mind today, once and for all, to save yourself for marriage and experience the joy of sex just as God intended? Choices ha...

Excerpt : Relationships and Sex

Love is the purification of the heart from self. It strengthens and enables the character, gives a higher motive and worthier aim to every action of life, and makes both man and woman courageous. To love abundantly is to live abundantly and to love forever is to live forever. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. However, a couple greatly increases their chances of having a good relationship if they both: Believe in God Have same religion and accept each other’s doctrines  Have good self esteem Have important values and interests in common  Have well-developed personalities Communicate honestly and effectively Have compatible levels of sexual desire Have positive body image Agree on appropriate gender roles Agree on the sexual activities you want to explore If any of these qualities is missing, developing a healthy, satisfying relationship will be more difficult. If you've ever been in a relationship that involved sexual activity, you know that s...

Excerpt: Relationships and Sex

Marriage is full of expectations. Our parents, families, friends and others want us to reflect or mirror them in our own marriages. When they give advice, they expect us to take to it hundred percent and live by it hundred percent. That your parents or whoever lived in a certain way or seem to get it right in their marriage is not a criteria for you to live your live patterned after them or dedicate your life to living after them. That they are experienced does not make their experience work in your own marriage. Some parents want to dictate the kind of house you will live, the kind of car to drive, how many children you should give birth to, how you should take care of your family and some other basic things in life. Many times, we allow external influence in our marriage, our parents wants us to live or do things in a particular way, when we get our heads full of doing things their way or we are trying to be them or like them, we are going to get ourselves confused and likely miss ...

Excerpt: Relationships and Sex

Married Relationship Relationships, in the form of marriage or cohabitation, become prevalent now. Relationships have a powerful effect on our sexuality. If, for example, we're in a close, respectful, loving relationship, we'll feel and act very differently than if we're in an abusive relationship. Men and women most times enter adulthood with some real misconceptions about sexuality and the role of sex in a relationship. Young men often fear that anything that borders on sensitivity will be interpreted as being somehow ‘unmanly’ and thus represent inappropriate behaviour for a ‘real’ man. Women believe that the only part of intimacy that matters to men is the sexual intercourse part. Apostle Paul does not give a low view of marriage, but is merely answering questions put to him about life in Corinth; He informs them 1Corinthians 7:2 ‘I speak this by permission, not of command, Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and...

Excerpt: Relationships and Sex

Compatibility in Relationship This is another issue of great consideration. Marriage institutions, Men of God, parents and people in general have a misconception on what and who is compatible for marriage. During counseling sections on marriage relationship, people are advised on compatibility, that the other person involved must be compatible, i.e. must share the same goal, idea, religion, health status, tribe, language, culture, background, behaviour etc. I will not encourage marriage relationship with any one that is not a Christian [born-again], I am relating to Christians and such relationship with unbeliever is not binding. As Christians, we have so many doctrines on how to start a relationship; some are borne out of conviction and others out of tradition of our Church founders?  Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ”. I have been to s...

Excerpt:Relationships and Sex

 Having a great relationship isn’t a matter of finding the right partner; it’s a matter of being the right partner. If you are in a relationship or looking for a relationship, you can start by becoming a good partner, working on things that are within your power to change. Consider the likely things you’d like to work on to become a good partner. You need to grow to know God’s mind about dating You need to develop better self esteem You need to clarify your own values You need to develop a more positive body image You need to develop positive personality You need to clarify how you feel about gender roles  You need to develop effective communication skills You need to start thinking about the options you want to explore in the relationship. We learn about how to be in relationships by watching others close to us and by experimenting in our own relationships. We can improve our relationship skills by actively working on them. Books can help, and...

Excerpt:Relationships and Sex

A teenager is a young person whose age falls within the range of 13-19, they are called teenagers because their age number ends with teen. The teenage can be described as a transitional age from childhood to adulthood. It is a period when human developmental changes occur psychologically and physically. It can be both disorientation and discovery period when the teen clamours for independence and self-identity. Many teens face tough choices regarding sexuality, school and work, drugs, alcohol and social life. Peer groups, romantic interests and external appearances tend to naturally increase. The physical, biological and psychological changes they experience allow them to think more abstractly. They become interestingly focused on friends and also seek greater independence. They often come into conflicts with their parents, they get through teen age with few problems like, establishing an identity and preparing for adulthood.   Teenagers spend a good deal of time not only on devel...

Excerpt:Relationships and Sex

What is a friend? Aristotle says it is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. They who have lived together have been drawn close, they who have struggled together are forever linked; but they who have suffered together have known the most sacred bond of all. In as much as anyone pushes you nearer to God, he or she is a friend. The strength and sweetness of friendship depend on sincerity tempered by sympathy, since friendship is made by our choice, then it should be chosen by a higher principle of selection than any worldly one. They should be chosen for character, for goodness, for truth and trustworthiness, because they have sympathy with us in our best thoughts and holiest aspirations, because they have community of mind in the things of the soul. Friendship is the positive and unalterable choice of a person whom we have singled out for qualities that we most admire. Friendship is in loving rather than in being loved. It brings comfort and delight to have companions. It is not pos...

Excerpt@Relationship and sex

The summary of the commandment is love of God and love of our neighbours, math22:37-40. When our lives are not pointing to God, then the consequences are difficulties in the families, friendships and especially with members of the opposite sex. God is love; it takes one that knows God to love others. Our relationship with God has a prime, but hot on its heels is the matter of how we relate with people. How can we love God that we cannot see when we do not love the neighbours, brother, sister that we can see, 1John4 :20. The greatest message is the Gospel, the message about God’s grace. Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and He gave Himself for a ransom for all men. John 15:13 “greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends”. The mystery of godliness is great, He appeared in a body, that theme is the good news and is to be declared by everyone. Christian relationships must be spiritually based, since Christ is the head of the...

Excerpt: Relationships and sex

Relationship with God In the Old Testament, God called the nation of Israel His people and His Children, Hosea11:1, Exodus4:22, God expressed a Fatherhood relationship to them, but they were so covered in their sins that they did not see God nor did they come to Him as a Father, rather they saw God as God of their fathers.  Since there was no established relationship with God, they could not call God their father. In the New Testament relationship with God is not borne out of self-righteousness ‘work’, Eph 2:9 “nor of works lest any man should boost”, it is born out of faith in Jesus Christ. Relationship with God is borne out of faith in God Rom10:17 “so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God”, being guided by the word of God.  By faith in Jesus Christ, we believe in the existence of God. Faith is the evidence of things not seen and without faith we cannot please God, Heb11:6.   1 John 4:10 “in this is Love, not ...

Excerpt@Relationship and sex

Amos3:3"Can two walk together unless they agree? Relationships are probably the most complex things we deal with in our lives as humans. Our relationship with God, parents, siblings, extended, family, friends etc can be complicated because of our values and belief. Our values and belief are guided to help us make decision about actions,behaviour life choices. Our relationships reflect our values and how we feel about God and people When there is a change in our belief we receive new information and also have new experience which may also change our perception about relationship. Every relationship is unique and should be centered on love. When you express love towards someone, you are expressing God towards that person because God is love, and he that dwells in love dwells in Him, 1John4:16.                                 ...