Excerpt@Relationship and sex

The summary of the commandment is love of God and love of our neighbours, math22:37-40.

When our lives are not pointing to God, then the consequences are difficulties in the families, friendships and especially with members of the opposite sex. God is love; it takes one that knows God to love others. Our relationship with God has a prime, but hot on its heels is the matter of how we relate with people. How can we love God that we cannot see when we do not love the neighbours, brother, sister that we can see, 1John4 :20.

The greatest message is the Gospel, the message about God’s grace. Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and He gave Himself for a ransom for all men. John 15:13 “greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends”. The mystery of godliness is great, He appeared in a body, that theme is the good news and is to be declared by everyone.

Christian relationships must be spiritually based, since Christ is the head of the church; Christian relationship is also based on Christ and His doctrine. The affection and emotion involved must be godly and the feeling towards others must be true. Sins and other sinful acts are not involved in this relationship. The relationship is exhibited between Christians, because it only takes someone that understands God’s love to exhibit it towards another.  

Relating with Old Men as Fathers

The issue of relating with older man is important to God, lev19:32 “Thou shall rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the Lord”.

When we deal with the older men, we must do so considering that their age calls for respect. The fifth commandment the Lord gave mosses, exo20:12 “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee”. Apostle Paul also by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit quoted this scripture in Eph6:2-3. Giving honour to the elderly becomes a prerequisite to living long. God wanted us to learn the best way to relate with the elderly, so we can also learn from them.

Relating with Young Men as Brothers

1Peter3:8 “finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion on one another, love as brethren”. 1Peter2:17 “honour all men, love the brotherhood, and fear God”. There is a congeniality we share as brothers in the same family. We sympathize with one another in both our likes and dislikes, and we have a common aim in life. Treat younger men as brothers, 1Tim5:1. Brotherly love means I am recognizing this person as fellow Christian, and I enjoy being with him, and want to promote his welfare. I rejoice with him in his happiness and grieve along with him in his sadness. I worry about him, I will judge him charitable. Love endures all things, and hopes all things about a  fellow Christian.

Relating with old Women as Mothers

We must never think motherhood is a lowly calling, It is crucial. What impact do mothers have? My mother had many jobs, perhaps too many, however, she never looked at these as her career. She never sat down; when she eventually did she would fall asleep. She instinctively agreed with Proverbs 10:4 “He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich”, and Eccles. 9:10 “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might”. She was determined to make every day count; she wakes-up early, work hard, being diligent.

In a Christian congregations all older women are to be treated as mothers.    

Relating with Young women as sisters

What does the Bible say about our relationship with younger women? It says we should treat them like our own sister and with absolute purity, 1Tim5:2. Every Christian girl is our dear sister and we are supposed to be close to her, and she loves and admires others as her own dear siblings.

 You must not do anything to break that trust. We share the same Father who has taught us the same values and given us the same goals in life. We are in tune with one another, enjoying the world of ideas, and being thankful for our heavenly Father’s love. We sacrifice for her, and we are concerned for her physical well-being, her emotional security, and supremely for her spiritual welfare. We have a sense of responsibility for one another. Brotherly and sisterly love is never claustrophobic, exclusive or possessive. We draw out the potential and encourage the strengths of one another.

We have to stand by her, help her discover her gifts; offer her encouragement, prayer and support. We are not suppose get extremely close to one sister, so that she begins to feel she’s being stalked, while ignoring the others. We can actually be closer to one, but we are still responsible to others.


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