Existence of God

 The Borde- Guth- Vilenkin theorem in physical cosmology. According to Alexandra Vilenkin, a professor of Evolutionary science and Director of institute of cosmology at Tufts University, which deduce that any universe that has on average been expanding throughout  history cannot be infinite. In the past, it must have past space-time boundaries.

The implication of this theorem is that the universe is not eternal, it began at a point before physical time began and that the universe has not always existed and that the universe cannot be infinite which means it is not forever, it will come to an end one day.

If the universe is not eternal, that means it was created.

This theorem disannulled and disproved the Big Bang theory about creation. The question is no longer about  how the creation comes about? It is about  who created the universe?

Firstly  must be transcendent, according to Oxford dictionary of current English it means, going beyond normal or physical human experience. Second meaning, (of God) existing apart and not limited by material universe. If not limited by material universe,  

  must be timeless returnal,  existed before the creation. Existed before physical time began.

must be an immaterial spirit because it has been existing before the physical world start existing, exists now and will exist after now.

 must be powerful, giving the immensity of creation event.

Must be smart

Must be caring

Show me your god or deity, and I will tell you about my God who has been existing even before the foundation of this world, Acts17:28 “For in Him we live and move and have our being.

There must be an immaterial personality responsible for creation.

 Gen1;1-2 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God move upon the face of waters ”. Definitely for God to create the heaven and the earth, He must have been existing before creation. 

The scientific evidence that life cannot exist without light, the sun(light) helps in production of oxygen and give support to life. The earth's position in the solar system is optimal for the development of life is a pointer to the description of the earth before creation “The earth was without form, void and darkness was upon the face of the deep”.

Gen1:31 “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold is was very good”.  This is the feeling of a successful Artist, intelligent and smart personality. A feeling of completion, a perfect work done.

For the fouls who says “there is no God” let me ask you these questions, what is responsible for existence? What is responsible for your own life existence? Do you think life is just free existing? Then we can also deduce that everything on earth is free existing too, and if they are, why do people die? The truth about creation is not a mystery and it has never been, only that you never credited God as the creator. Rom1:19-20 “For what can be know about God is plain to them because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made so that they are without excuse”.

You need to repent, the scripture referred to you as a fool, scornful, unwise, wicked, one who lacks sense and that you suppress truth and uphold unrighteousness.


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