Our choices

 God’s hands are opened so wide for us to embrace in salvation,which is why the word "RECKLESS" was used to describe His love to humanity.   

He is sovereign, and He is the creator, but does not mean He controls our affairs, He gave us freewill ability to make our own choices. Some choices we make have  blinded us from seeing God’s essence in our existence.

God’s foreknowledge means He knows everything that will happen now, tomorrow and ever, but note He does not control our choices. 

The scriptures describe how God knows us even right Jeremiah1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart, and I appointed you as a prophet to the nations”.

 Luke12:7 “even the hairs of your head are all numbered”.

 God did not create a robotic man with artificial intelligence.The man God created has a freewill and can make choices. This was responsible for Eve’s decision. If God has control over our choices, that means we do not have freewill and we cannot take responsibility for our actions and it can be said then that the actions are inspired by the one in control. 

  The man God created has the right to freewill and choices and also to the consequences from the freewill and choices, the soul that sin shall die. 

Rom9:14:17 “For the same purpose I have raised you up that I might show my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth”.

God is sovereign, reading further from verse 17, Apostle Paul described God as a Potter man and that the potter man has control over the clay and the potter man can make anything he desires out of the clay.

God is sovereign. In Him there is no variableness, and He ordained things from the beginning for the excellence of His power. He is not a bad God, and He did not create anyone for the purpose of condemnation.

 Remember even after God told Abraham that he will have a son, Gen 15, he still acted on what Sarah told him, taking Haggai as a wife Gen16:3. Abraham gave birth to Ishmael, but that did not change God’s mind about His promise to Abraham, instead the fulfillment of God’s promise was the birth of Isaac, not Ishmael and other children Abraham gave birth to.

  Isaac gave birth to Jacob and Esau, God by foreknowledge and for the excellence of His purpose chose Jacob, for same purpose Jacob had twelve boys and one girl, God chose the twelve as the tribe of Israel. For the same purpose of election, King David came out from one of the twelve tribes, Jesus Christ came from the tribe of Judah for the same purpose.

For the excellence of His power, He permits or allows things even the bad situations to fulfill His purpose. He does not control our activities. We are responsible for choices.

It is very comforting to know that God only has good things in store for us. Any problems in my life are from the devil, of my own making, or just the results of life on a fallen planet. My heavenly Father has never done me any harm and never will, I KNOW THAT. 

That situation was not from God regardless of the results. He wouldn’t allow anything to disrupt His plan for me, so, even in my problems or bad situations, He still works out His plan in my life.


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