God is timeless and not bound by time

Some pastors teach that God is God of now now, they quote scriptures like the expectations of the righteous man can not be cut shot. The question is, what is the expectation of the righteous man? Food, clothing, what exactly is the righteous man expecting?

We have been so deceived to believe that God is moved by our prayers, praise, and other religious activities to do things or go out of His way for such people. Some say that if God didn't answer your prayers, praise Him more, and His head will swell up such that  your praise will move Him to do your biddings.

God is not mocked, and He is not a man that you can psyche or be influenced by your religious activities.

We experience things through our physical senses. Our eyes capture the light reflected from physical objects. Our ears pick up the vibrations from sound waves. Our fingertips gauge the texture and hardness of the things we touch.

We live in a physical world which is bound by space and time, but God, however, dwells in a different dimension—the spirit realm—beyond the natural perception of our physical senses. God who is not bound by space and time.

It's not that God isn't real; it's a matter of Him not being limited by the physical laws and dimensions that govern our world (Isaiah 57:15). He is spirit (John 4:24).

Jesus Christ, as a human being, had a physical body. Like ours, His body was subjected to injury, pain, and death. The four Gospels recorded that He was scourged and crucified. There was no doubt Jesus died. His body laid in the tomb for three days and three nights, watched over by a detachment of guards.

On the third day, He resurrected from  death, that evening His disciples gathered in a room, with the doors firmly shut because they feared for their lives, when Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, ‘Peace be with you' (John 20:19). Their beloved teacher, whom they had seen killed and entombed, suddenly materialized inside a locked room and greeted them! Lest they think He was an impostor, He showed them the nail punctures from His crucifixion and the spear wound on His side.

The resurrected Jesus was no longer bound by physical factors. He effortlessly entered a closed room and revealed Himself to His disciples. They recognized the physical impossibility of a fleshly body passing through walls. Eight days later He repeated the miracle for the benefit of the disciple Thomas, who hadn't witnessed the earlier appearance (John 20:26). Days later, in another miracle, He defied gravity, ascending into the sky in the sight of all His disciples (Acts 1:9).

Scripture reveals that God lives outside the bounds of time as we know it (Isaiah 57:15). We read that our awesome destiny was planned “before time began” (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2) and “before the creation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20, NIV).

By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible(Hebrews 11:3, NIV).  Gen1 and John 1.

 In other words, the physical universe we see, hear, feel, and experience was created not from existing matter but from a source independent of the physical dimensions.

This does not mean God the Father and Jesus Christ never reveal Themselves to people. The Scriptures are a chronicle of God's interaction,care and concern for men, women, and children through the centuries.

Many people reject the Bible, the Gospels in particular, because it describes many miraculous occurrences,dramatic healings, resurrection, fire from heaven and spectacular visions, to name a few. They believe these things are impossible because they defy human experience and the laws that govern our physical existence. They thus conclude that biblical accounts of such things cannot be true.

Regrettably, they fail to consider that God the Father and Jesus Christ can operate beyond the bounds of the physical laws that govern the universe. A God who can bring the universe into existence can certainly perform miracles such as those found in the Scriptures!

Where does this leave us? Will we believe the many witnesses God has provided, or will we insist on some kind of proof He provides us personally before we believe? Jesus' words to Thomas in John 20:29 are also clearly intended for us: “Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”!

God is not time bound, and he can't. The scripture says that a thousand years is like a day before Him,just imagine how long the clock would have ticked before it was a thousand years?

1john 4:12, John 5:37 "And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness about me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen."  The scriptures described God as a pre-existing being(who has been existing before creation). He made the earth habitable for His creatures and also created a system of dating and timing by calling forth the light. Gen1:14 "And God said let there be light in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let it be for signs and seasons and for days and for years".

  Rev4:9-11 "And whenever the living creatures give glory and honour and thanks to him who is seated on the throne, who lives for ever and ever, the twenty four elders fall down before Him who is seated on the throne and worship Him who lives for ever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne saying "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to recieve glory and honour and power, for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created".

God is not bound by time, He is beyond time. God exists in eternity. That is, eternity does not have a temporal location within time. Above all, God does not experience temporal succession.


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